
College Visits & Open Houses will no longer be posted on the calendar.
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February 2004

2Softball Tryouts
Student Holiday – Staff Dev. Day
TAKS Mini Boost
Softball Tryouts
Boys Soccer
Lady Trojans B’Ball
Running Trojans Basketball
Indoor drumline
Boys B’Ball
Swim Team Booster mtg.
Girls Soccer
Mandatory softball mtg.
Softball Tryouts
5Cheerleader Tryout Informational mtg.
Lacrosse Booster Club
Mr. Trojan Dress rehearsal
Indoor drumline
Boys Golf
Boys SoccerLady Trojans B’BallSwim MeetRunning Trojans Basketball
7LacrosseMr. Trojan ContestBellesGirls SoccerBoys GolfWrestlingSwim Meet
9Cheerleader Booster mtg.10TAKS Mini BoostGirls SoccerLady Trojans B’Ball11Boys Soccer12Sophomore Parent NightSenior Parent Brown Bag13Dinner Theater by LTCSoftballRunning Trojans Basketball14Valentine’s DayBellesLacrosseDinner Theater by LTCGirls SoccerSoftballBoys SoccerWrestling
15LacrosseDinner Theater by LTC16Boys GolfBand Booster mtg.Running Trojans Basketball17Belles Booster mtg.Belles Tryout mtg.TAKS Mini BoostGirls SoccerSoftballBand Chamber Music ConcertCAC mtg.18Language Arts Mega BoostBoys Soccer19Chamber Choir RecitalUIL Regional Vocal Solo & EnsembleJunior Parent Brown BagPTSA mtg.20HockeySoftballSoftballBoys GolfSwim MeetEnd of the 4th 6-weeks21Band UIL Solo & EnsembleIndoor DrumlineBellesMiddle School Band Music FestivalFinancial Aid Saturdays – FAFSA HelpGirls SoccerSoftballBoys GolfBoys SoccerSwim Meet
22 23Hot Zone mtg for FreshmenLanguage Arts pep rally24LacrosseTAKS/TAAS25TAAS26SoftballTAASOrchestra concertJunior Parent Brown Bag27Cheerleaders CompetitionHockeySoftballBoys Golf28Cheerleaders CompetitionGirls SoccerSoftballBoys GolfBoys Soccer
29LacrosseCheerleaders Competition