College Visits & Open Houses will no longer be posted on the calendar.
Please visit the Project ADVANCE page for that information. Thank you.
February 2004
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | 2Softball Tryouts Student Holiday – Staff Dev. Day | 3 TAKS Mini Boost Softball Tryouts Boys Soccer Lady Trojans B’Ball Running Trojans Basketball | 4 Indoor drumline Boys B’Ball ACPTA Mtg Swim Team Booster mtg. Girls Soccer Mandatory softball mtg. Softball Tryouts | 5Cheerleader Tryout Informational mtg. Winterguard Lacrosse Booster Club Mr. Trojan Dress rehearsal | 6Belles Indoor drumline Boys Golf Boys SoccerLady Trojans B’BallSwim MeetRunning Trojans Basketball | 7LacrosseMr. Trojan ContestBellesGirls SoccerBoys GolfWrestlingSwim Meet |
8 | 9Cheerleader Booster mtg. | 10TAKS Mini BoostGirls SoccerLady Trojans B’Ball | 11Boys Soccer | 12Sophomore Parent NightSenior Parent Brown Bag | 13Dinner Theater by LTCSoftballRunning Trojans Basketball | 14Valentine’s DayBellesLacrosseDinner Theater by LTCGirls SoccerSoftballBoys SoccerWrestling |
15LacrosseDinner Theater by LTC | 16Boys GolfBand Booster mtg.Running Trojans Basketball | 17Belles Booster mtg.Belles Tryout mtg.TAKS Mini BoostGirls SoccerSoftballBand Chamber Music ConcertCAC mtg. | 18Language Arts Mega BoostBoys Soccer | 19Chamber Choir RecitalUIL Regional Vocal Solo & EnsembleJunior Parent Brown BagPTSA mtg. | 20HockeySoftballSoftballBoys GolfSwim MeetEnd of the 4th 6-weeks | 21Band UIL Solo & EnsembleIndoor DrumlineBellesMiddle School Band Music FestivalFinancial Aid Saturdays – FAFSA HelpGirls SoccerSoftballBoys GolfBoys SoccerSwim Meet |
22 | 23Hot Zone mtg for FreshmenLanguage Arts pep rally | 24LacrosseTAKS/TAAS | 25TAAS | 26SoftballTAASOrchestra concertJunior Parent Brown Bag | 27Cheerleaders CompetitionHockeySoftballBoys Golf | 28Cheerleaders CompetitionGirls SoccerSoftballBoys GolfBoys Soccer |
29LacrosseCheerleaders Competition |